Bézier curves

This example was inspired by Freya Holmér's excellent video on Bézier curves.

t =
import * as React from "react" import { Coordinates, Plot, Line, Mafs, Point, Theme, useMovablePoint, useStopwatch, vec } from "mafs" import { easeInOutCubic } from "js-easing-functions" /** * Given the four control points, calculate * the xy position of the bezier curve at value t. * See https://youtu.be/aVwxzDHniEw?t=265 */ function xyFromBernsteinPolynomial( p1: vec.Vector2, c1: vec.Vector2, c2: vec.Vector2, p2: vec.Vector2, t: number, ) { return [ vec.scale(p1, -(t ** 3) + 3 * t ** 2 - 3 * t + 1), vec.scale(c1, 3 * t ** 3 - 6 * t ** 2 + 3 * t), vec.scale(c2, -3 * t ** 3 + 3 * t ** 2), vec.scale(p2, t ** 3), ].reduce(vec.add, [0, 0]) } function inPairs<T>(arr: T[]) { const pairs: [T, T][] = [] for (let i = 0; i < arr.length - 1; i++) { pairs.push([arr[i], arr[i + 1]]) } return pairs } function BezierCurves() { const [t, setT] = React.useState(0.5) const opacity = 1 - (2 * t - 1) ** 6 const p1 = useMovablePoint([-5, 2]) const p2 = useMovablePoint([5, -2]) const c1 = useMovablePoint([-2, -3]) const c2 = useMovablePoint([2, 3]) const lerp1 = vec.lerp(p1.point, c1.point, t) const lerp2 = vec.lerp(c1.point, c2.point, t) const lerp3 = vec.lerp(c2.point, p2.point, t) const lerp12 = vec.lerp(lerp1, lerp2, t) const lerp23 = vec.lerp(lerp2, lerp3, t) const lerpBezier = vec.lerp(lerp12, lerp23, t) const duration = 2 const { time, start } = useStopwatch({ endTime: duration, }) React.useEffect(() => { setTimeout(() => start(), 500) }, [start]) React.useEffect(() => { setT(easeInOutCubic(time, 0, 0.75, duration)) }, [time]) function drawLineSegments( pointPath: vec.Vector2[], color: string, customOpacity = opacity * 0.5, ) { return inPairs(pointPath).map(([p1, p2], index) => ( <Line.Segment key={index} point1={p1} point2={p2} opacity={customOpacity} color={color} /> )) } function drawPoints( points: vec.Vector2[], color: string, ) { return points.map((point, index) => ( <Point key={index} x={point[0]} y={point[1]} color={color} opacity={opacity} /> )) } return ( <> <Mafs viewBox={{ x: [-5, 5], y: [-4, 4] }}> <Coordinates.Cartesian xAxis={{ labels: false, axis: false }} yAxis={{ labels: false, axis: false }} /> {/* Control lines */} {drawLineSegments( [p1.point, c1.point, c2.point, p2.point], Theme.pink, 0.5, )} {/* First-order lerps */} {drawLineSegments([lerp1, lerp2, lerp3], Theme.red)} {drawPoints([lerp1, lerp2, lerp3], Theme.red)} {/* Second-order lerps */} {drawLineSegments([lerp12, lerp23], Theme.yellow)} {drawPoints([lerp12, lerp23], Theme.yellow)} {/* Quadratic bezier lerp */} <Plot.Parametric t={[0, t]} weight={3} xy={(t) => xyFromBernsteinPolynomial( p1.point, c1.point, c2.point, p2.point, t, ) } /> {/* Show remaining bezier with dashed line */} <Plot.Parametric // Iterate backwards so that dashes don't move t={[1, t]} weight={3} opacity={0.5} style="dashed" xy={(t) => xyFromBernsteinPolynomial( p1.point, c1.point, c2.point, p2.point, t, ) } /> {drawPoints([lerpBezier], Theme.foreground)} {p1.element} {p2.element} {c1.element} {c2.element} </Mafs> {/* These classnames are part of the Mafs docs website—they won't work for you. */} <div className="p-4 border-gray-700 border-t bg-black text-white"> <span className="font-display">t =</span>{" "} <input type="range" min={0} max={1} step={0.005} value={t} onChange={(event) => setT(+event.target.value)} /> </div> </> ) }